Washington, D.C. (December 7, 2023) – Global ARM President Timothy Jemal issued the following statement on the release of Armenian Prisoners held by Azerbaijan.

“Global ARM is very pleased that 32 Armenian prisoners held illegally by Azerbaijan will be released. This is a first step in confidence-building measures needed to achieve lasting peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

More than 23 Armenian political prisoners and hostages remain in Azerbaijani jails who should be released immediately and unconditionally. Some of these prisoners have been sentenced illegally in Azerbaijan through sham trials on trumped up charges. In addition, more than 80 Armenians who disappeared during the wars launched by Azerbaijan since 2020 remain missing.

In addition to releasing all Armenian prisoners and hostages, Azerbaijani security forces must end their illegal occupation of Armenia.

It’s imperative the U.S. and international community remain united to deter Azerbaijan from further aggression and hold those accountable for atrocities committed.”