
Senators Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and Bill Cassidy (R-La.) introduced a bipartisan resolution to require that the Secretary of State provide a report on Azerbaijan’s human rights practices, including concerning allegations of human rights violations committed against ethnic Armenians, such as unlawful killings, torture, restrictions on freedom of movement, the illegal detention of political prisoners, and ethnic cleansing. Representative Adam Schiff (CA-30) introduced a companion version of the resolution in the House of Representatives.

“We thank Senators Markey and Cassidy for holding Azerbaijan accountable for committing gross human rights violations against both Armenians and Azerbaijanis. From committing genocide in Nagorno-Karabakh to attacking and illegally occupying Armenia and illegally detaining Armenian prisoners, Azerbaijan’s brutal dictatorship is not worthy of U.S. taxpayer support. The U.S. should stand on the right side of history and sanction the Aliyev regime for its unacceptable behavior,” said Timothy Jemal, President of Global ARM.

Former German Lawmakers Face Bribery Charges Tied to Azerbaijan – Accused of Receiving Bribes for Favorable Votes at the CoE

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MP Chris Law tables Motion in the UK Parliament to Acknowledge the Severe and Critical Threat to the Armenian Community of Jerusalem

Sham Azerbaijani Court Extends Illegal Detention of Philanthropist, Nagorno-Karabakh Ex-State Minister Ruben Vardanyan

U.S. Congress

Chair Cardin, Senator Warren to Defense Department: Stop Providing U.S. Military Assistance to Coup Governments and Human Rights Violators, Including Azerbaijan

U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin expressing their concern that the Department of Defense (DoD) is assisting human rights abusers and coup governments to participate in U.S. military exercises.

Their concern revolves around the DoD allegedly aiding human rights abusers and governments involved in coups to participate in U.S. military exercises. The senators highlight that several of these countries, including Myanmar, Azerbaijan, and Sudan, are either subject to coup-related assistance restrictions or are known for gross human rights violations. The senators assert that the DoD’s interpretation, not categorizing training exercises or expense support as ‘assistance’ under the Leahy Law, contradicts the evident nature of U.S. assistance provided in such scenarios.

In his capacity as the Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Cardin has recently called for international action, emphasizing the imperative to hold the Aliyev regime accountable for its aggressive campaign of ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Read the Letter

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Senator JD Vance (R-OH) Aims to Halt Remington Sale to Czechoslovak Group Over Concerns of Arms Embargo Violations to Azerbaijan
“Experts and journalists have repeatedly sounded the alarm on CSG’s reckless arm sales and industrial espionage, including accusations of industrial espionage against the Slovakian military and violations of the arms embargo to Azerbaijan,” the letter states.

Read the Letter

U.S. Regional News

Glendale City Council Introduces Resolution Condemning Azerbaijan’s Genocide in Nagorno-Karabakh

Glendale City Councilmember Ardy Kassakhian presented a resolution condemning Azerbaijan’s genocide in Nagorno-Karabakh.

The resolution explicitly holds Azerbaijan’s leaders accountable for the international crime of genocide, urging the U.S. to fulfill its obligations under the Genocide Convention.

​Noteworthy testimonies were provided by Nagorno-Karabakh’s former Human Rights Defender and a Former State Minister, both lamenting the global failure to prevent the tragic events of genocide in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Superintendent and President of Glendale Community College Dr. Ryan Cornner Writes California State Bill to Assist Refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh and Elsewhere

Bill to Assist Student Refugees

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World Leaders, NGOs Condemn Azerbaijan’s Ethnic Cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh

IRF Summit: Panel Strongly Condemns Alleged Azerbaijani Genocide in Nagorno-Karabakh

At the Capitol Hill International Religious Freedom (IRF) Summit, the panel delivered a compelling presentation, shedding light on the genocide in Nagorno-Karabakh.

  • Congressman Chris Smith (NJ), reiterated his persistent calls to the Biden Administration for a response to the Karabakh genocide. He underscored his legislative efforts, including the introduction of the Act of 2023 (HR 5686), preventing Ethnic Cleansing and Atrocities in Nagorno-Karabakh. Congressman Smith pointed out the urgency of advocating for sanctions on President Aliyev.
  • Elisa von Joeden-Forgey, the Executive Director of the Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention, addressed Azerbaijan’s genocidal Armenophobia. She emphasized Azerbaijan’s audacious claim to the entire Nagorno-Karabakh territory as ancient Azerbaijani lands.
  • International lawyer Karnig Kerkonian highlighted the stark contrast between Assistant Secretary of State Yuri Kim’s declaration of non-tolerance for attacks on Nagorno- Karabakh and the subsequent ethnic cleansing by Azerbaijan, accompanied by a media blackout.

PACE Decision: Azerbaijan’s Parliamentary Delegation Faces Non-Ratification Over Electoral Transparency and Human Rights Concerns

  • Addresses the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, highlighting Azerbaijan’s leadership’s failure to acknowledge the severe humanitarian and human rights consequences arising from the Blockade of the Lachin Corridor.
  • Recalls the Assembly’s condemnation of Azerbaijan’s 2023 military assault, which resulted in the forced displacement and ethnic cleansing of the entire Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh.
  • Highlights instances of “lack of cooperation” with the Assembly, including the denial of access for monitoring rapporteurs to meet individuals detained on purportedly politically motivated charges. Additionally, the Assembly was not invited to observe the upcoming presidential election, and other PACE rapporteurs faced refusals for visits to the country.

PACE Resolution

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Facing Expulsion, Azerbaijan Quits European Parliamentary Body

Global Christian Relief: 450 Armenian Christian Religious Sites in Nagorno-Karabakh Have Been Forcibly Turned Over to the Government of Azerbaijan

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Conference in European Parliament Calls for International Peacekeepers and Clear Mechanisms to Halt Cultural Genocide in Nagorno-Karabakh


  • The European Parliament has consistently raised concerns over Azerbaijani disinformation campaigns and the intentional destruction of Armenian cultural heritage, despite the EU maintaining an economic alliance with Azerbaijan – a stance criticized as unacceptable by MEP Miriam Lexmann.
  • Professor Pierre d’Argent, from the University of Louvain and the University of Leiden, warned MEPs about Azerbaijan’s attempts to manipulate history, citing discrimination and falsification as state policies. Azeri authorities deny the existence of Nagorno-Karabakh and question Armenian identity.
  • Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailović, Secretary General of Europa Nostra, called on the EU to adopt a stronger stance and implement clear mechanisms to prevent the unfolding cultural tragedy.
  • MEP Fabio Castaldo proposed using European satellites to monitor and document events in Nagorno-Karabakh. He emphasized that a robust package of sanctions against Azerbaijan is necessary to address the ongoing crisis.

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Europeans for Artsakh Mobilizes Support with Events Across Fourteen European Countries

President of Cyprus Urges European Action for Forcibly Displaced Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh

“That deep humanitarian crisis led to the mass exodus of the Armenian population from the region. We must take all necessary measures to provide urgent humanitarian aid and address the long-term issues of the ethnic Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh,” stated the Cypriot President.

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Driven by Fear from Nagorno-Karabakh

From Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia: A Refugee’s Escape from Genocide

“It was impossible to take anything with us. Eight of us came in one car. We took the kids on our lap. It was important for us to leave. Get here (Armenia) alive. I will never be able to forget what my kids went through during those three days. Especially what my eldest daughter witnessed. Along with me, she didn’t close her eyes for a minute. She was scared.”

Meline, a refugee from Nagorno-Karabakh.

USAID Provides $1,000,000 in Additional Assistance to Forcibly Displaced Persons of Nagorno-Karabakh

Testimonies from Nagorno-Karabakh that the World Ignored

“Due to the shelling, we were running from one basement to another. Those were challenging days for us. I was hiding lavash (Armenian traditional bread) for my grandchildren, and I had to tell them to eat less so that there would be enough for everyone,” shares Karine, a refugee from Nagorno-Karabakh, recounting the September 2023 Azerbaijani military attack and forced displacement of over 100,000 indigenous Armenians.

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Armenian Civilian’s Wife, Imprisoned by Azerbaijani Forces in Nagorno-Karabakh: Our Hearts Have Been Torn Apart

Armenian civilian Vicken Euljekjian was abducted by Azerbaijani forces in Nagorno-Karabakh in November 2020. Currently serving a bogus 20-year jail term, he is reported to be in poor health. Despite his name appearing on a list of prisoners slated for release published in Azerbaijani state media, Vicken was absent during the actual prisoner exchange on December 13. In a cruel twist, it appears that the Azerbaijani government substituted another Armenian prisoner for Vicken at the last moment.

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Christian Solidarity International (CSI) Calls for the Release of all Armenian Hostages in Azerbaijan

Voices from Baku Pogroms 1990: Testimonials of a Tragic Chapter for Armenians

This month marks the somber anniversary of the Baku Pogroms, a state-sponsored massacre orchestrated by Azerbaijan against the Armenian population. Occurring from January 13th to January 19th, 1990, the atrocities resulted in the forced expulsion of the entire Armenian community. Official U.S. legislative appeals were made to Mikhail Gorbachev, addressing the murders, tortures, and property destruction suffered by ethnic Armenians in Baku.

The Center for Truth and Justice amplifies harrowing testimonials, including that of a 62-year- old man from Nagorno-Karabakh who survived the Baku massacres. He shares the heart- wrenching story of his friend’s family, slaughtered by Azerbaijanis, and exposes the Azerbaijani government’s attempts to conceal these crimes. Having witnessed killings, beatings, and threats of genocide in Baku, he managed to survive, only to face forced deportation again in September 2023, a grim consequence of Azerbaijan’s ongoing ethnic cleansing.

Photos of the week

Activists from the ‘Europeans for Artsakh’ movement demonstrate their solidarity with the indigenous Armenian population of Nagorno- Karabakh. They stand united, wearing T-shirts adorned with images of Armenian hostages held in Baku.

Photo Courtesy of Horizon.

People take a walk in Armenia’s Jrvezh Forest Park.

Photo Courtesy of Alexander Patrin.

A Nagorno-Karabakh refugee in Armenia turns to baking ‘Zhingyalov Hats’, a traditional Nagorno-Karabakh bread, in search of a means of income amid uncertain conditions.

Photo Courtesy of Shushanik Nersesyan.


US Ambassador to Armenia: We Value our Strong and Growing Cooperation with Armenia’s Armed Forces

The US Embassy in Armenia sent a congratulatory message on the occasion of the Day of the Armenian Army.

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Armenian Government Approves Signing Agreement on Expansion of EUMA

The Armenian government approved the agreement on ratifying the agreement on the status of the European Union civilian monitoring mission (EUMA) in Armenia.

US Representatives, Key Stakeholders from Armenian Defense Sector Discuss Opportunities to Help Armenia Military

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Canada to Resume Exporting Air Strike-Targeting Gear to Turkey

Canada has reportedly agreed to resume military exports to Turkey – specifically, air-strike targeting gear used on military drones – less than 3,5 years after Ottawa halted shipments in the wake of Ankara’s illegal diversion of this technology to help ally Azerbaijan invade Nagorno- Karabakh.

Ambassador Makunts Presented the Security Situation of Armenia and the Region to the Audience of George Mason University

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‘EU Set to Sanction Azerbaijan’, Says Armenia’s Ambassador

Armenian MF: Baku Turned Armenia’s Positive Step into Negative Rhetoric

The Armenian Foreign Ministry has warned that Azerbaijan has sabotaged a humanitarian offer regarding the minefield maps to manipulate the topic and escalate its rhetoric.

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Armenian Prime Minister Proposes Non-Aggression Pact to Azerbaijan

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The Aliyev Regime’s Role in the Ethnic Cleansing of Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians
By Tigran Sargsyan

As long as the democratic community doesn’t rebuke Aliyev’s
continuing human rights violations and make respect for such
rights a cornerstone condition in bilateral relations, his regime will
continue its abuses, expansion of territorial control, and targeting of dissidents.

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Jailed in Limbo: The Armenian Prisoners in Azerbaijan
By Anush Ghavalyan

Azerbaijan uses the prisoners’ issue as a political tool to put pressure on Armenia or to obtain something in return,

Unfinished Business: Azerbaijan’s Territorial Designs on Armenia
By Brian Brivati

Our current age is one in which dictators act with impunity, and do not hide the fact. They boast about the irrelevance of international law while seeking endorsement for their regimes in elaborate electoral farces. After Aliyev secures victory on 7th February, he will be at his most dangerous, with a mobilised and heavily-equipped military and a geopolitical situation conducive to the realisation of his remaining territorial ambitions through force.

Azerbaijan’s Suspended Engagement With PACE: A Geopolitical Scenario
By Silvia Boltuc

Brussels not only needs to consider PACE’s decision related to
Azerbaijan, but also face the dilemma coming from allegations which
accused Azerbaijani authorities of spreading and promoting
Armenophobia as well as reports of mistreatment of Armenian prisoners of war surface. These developments pose a challenge to Brussels’ commitment to human rights and democracy, requiring a nuanced evaluation of its relationship with Azerbaijan in the context of its core values.

Azerbaijan’s Snap Election: Aliyev’s “New Era”
By Tatevik Hayrapetyan

After the elections, Aliyev will make further moves to exclude the West from the process. This strategy can be sold to Moscow, and could help Aliyev alter the entire framework of the previous negotiations. The exclusion of the West could result in Azerbaijan becoming more aggressive and assertive, not only toward Armenia but the entire region.

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Armenia Criticises Absence of EU Observers at Azerbaijan Election
By Thomas O’Reilly

Azerbaijan has also been accused of the ethnic cleansing of 120,000 Armenians last year. The EU, meanwhile, has been heavily criticised for its energy partnerships with the authoritarian Azeri government.

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US Strategic Interests in the South Caucasus and its Post-2020 War Policy Towards Armenia
By Yeghia Tashjian, Michael Rubin, and Benyamin Poghosyan

Azerbaijan mocks the United States as ineffective and a paper tiger, unwanted and unneeded as a diplomatic intermediary.