
The resolution presented at the plenary session of the European Parliament regarding the need for closer ties between the EU and Armenia and a peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan was adopted with 504 votes in favor, 4 against, and 32 abstentions.

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Armenian FM Welcomes the Resolution

Deputy of the French National Assembly Welcomes the Resolution

NATO Secretary General Marks First Visit to Armenia

“NATO supports Armenian sovereignty and territorial integrity, and your peaceful aspirations. I welcome your solidarity with Ukraine and invite all partners to do what they can to ensure Putin does not win his war of aggression..I welcome the fact that you are working to bolster democratic control over your armed forces, including through your participation in NATO’s Building Integrity programme,” stated NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg.

Public Statements of NATO Secretary General and Armenian PM

Read the Joint Press Statement

Azerbaijan’s Cultural Genocide: Azerbaijanis Destroy Memorial Dedicated to Fallen Soldiers, 13th Century Cross-Stone in Nagorno-Karabakh

Protecting Identities, Amplifying Voices: CFTJ Publishes Harrowing Statements from Armenian POWs Held in Azerbaijan

The Center for Truth and Justice (CFTJ) is a registered 501(c)
(3) nonprofit organization based in Los Angeles, California.
CFTJ has been documenting human rights violations and war
crimes perpetrated by Azerbaijan targeting Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia since the 2020 war.

“We were forced to watch newsreels that showed Armenians being killed/murdered.” An Azerbaijani junior sergeant broke my ribs because I refused to repeat what he forced me to. For a week, I couldn’t take a deep breath. I was constantly in pain. I wrapped my stomach tight with a shirt. My ribs were hurting for about a month. No medical assistance was provided though Azerbaijanis were informed about my condition,” said one of the POWs who was held captive in Azerbaijani prison.

Azerbaijan’s Ethnic Cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh

MEPs Call on EU Leaders to Take Steps Towards Protection of Armenian Cultural and Religious Heritage in Nagorno- Karabakh

A group of MEPs, led by Miriam Lexmann, is urging EU leaders to protect Armenian cultural heritage in Nagorno-Karabakh. They have written a letter to Charles Michel, Ursula von der Leyen, and Roberta Metsola, stressing the importance of EU action on this issue.

  • Condemn Aliyev’s ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh.
  • Call for setting a deadline for the Aliyev regime to allow international monitoring, assessments, and fact-finding missions in the region.
  • Urgent deadline for the Aliyev regime to grant access, particularly to UNESCO missions, for preservation and protection efforts.
  • Strong demand for imposing sanctions against the Aliyev regime for blatant violations of legally binding rulings by the ICJ and international law.
  • Support for the installation of 24/7 camera surveillance on each Armenian heritage site in Nagorno-Karabakh to ensure constant monitoring and protection of these invaluable cultural treasures.

Read the Letter

UK House of Commons Hosts Debate on International Support for Armenian Refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh

  • Carol Monaghan drew parallels between Azerbaijan’s ethnic cleansing and the Armenian genocide of 1915.
  • Dr. Rupa Huq underscored the devastating impact of the conflict, particularly the destruction of churches and cultural heritage, highlighting the Azerbaijani atrocities.
  • Tim Loughton emphasized Azerbaijan’s full-scale ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh, condemning their efforts to completely reshape and erase Armenian cultural identity from the region. He highlighted Azerbaijan’s provocative actions, such as renaming streets after masterminds of the Armenian genocide.
  • Jessica Morden raised concerns about Azerbaijan’s occupation of territories belonging to the Republic of Armenia and the irredentist concept of “Western Azerbaijan.”
  • Chris Law specifically highlighted Aliyev’s hate speech and policy that coerced Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh into accepting Azerbaijani citizenship or fleeing their homeland.

During the debate aftermath of the Inter-Parliamentary Union delegation country visit this year, numerous MPs underscored the urgent need for additional financial aid to address the refugee crisis in Armenia. Testimonies from Armenian refugees were also highlighted, shedding light on the dire situation and the urgent need for international assistance and intervention.

Christian Solidarity International Condemns Azerbaijan’s Demolition of Nagorno-Karabakh Parliament Building and Forced Expulsion of Armenian Population

“Today, Azerbaijan’s dictator celebrates the demolition of the building where Nagorno-Karabakh/Artsakh’s democratically elected parliament met. He stands in an empty square, in a city where nobody lives. Azerbaijan expelled the entire Armenian Christian population of Artsakh in September,” the statement reads.

Armenia Urges UN Action on Conflict Prevention, Highlights Role of Women and Youth in Peacebuilding

  • Condemns Azerbaijan’s ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh.
  • Details harrowing impact of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict on women and youth, particularly as primary targets of violence and displacement.
  • Condemns Azerbaijan’s flagrant violations of international law, including attacks on Armenian territories and cultural heritage.
  • Criticizes UN Security Council’s failure to acknowledge gravity of Azerbaijani violations and prevent further escalation.
  • Calls for immediate measures to hold Azerbaijan accountable for its violations and ensure compliance with international law.

Read the Full Statement

Christian Alliance League Sounds Alarm Over Threat to Amaras Monastery: Symbol of Christian Heritage Under Azerbaijani Control in Nagorno-Karabakh

Christian Alliance League brings attention to the precarious situation facing Amaras Monastery in Nagorno-Karabakh. Founded in the 4th century by St. Gregory the Illuminator, this historic symbol of Christian spirituality now lies under Azerbaijani control, facing the threat of vandalism and cultural cleansing.

Read the Full Statement

Christian Alliance League Unites to Defend Armenian Christian Territory Against Azerbaijani Threats

Center for Truth & Justice (CFTJ) Legal Advisor Highlights Urgency of ICC Prosecution for Azerbaijani War Crimes

“The top 3 cases that come to my mind are the execution of six Armenian soldiers, the desecration of Armenian women, and the forcible displacement of over 100,000 Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh,” emphasized Sheila Paylan, International Human Rights Lawyer and senior legal advisor to the Center for Truth and Justice, highlighting the urgent need for ICC prosecution in these instances of war crimes.

Armenia’s UN Mission Criticizes Lack of Prosecution for Crimes Against Humanity in Nagorno-Karabakh; Condemns Azerbaijan’s Warmongering and Territorial Claims

“Nobody has ever been prosecuted in Azerbaijan for these crimes. Moreover, Azerbaijan continues to resolve to warmongering and territorial claims against the Republic of Armenia based on distorted historical narratives,” stated Andranik Hovhannisyan, Permanent Representative of the Armenian Mission to the UN during the Human Rights Council 55th session.

Conference on ‘Armenia and the EU After the Depopulation of Nagorno-Karabakh’ held at Free University of Brussels

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Driven by Fear from Nagorno-Karabakh

The Bread of the Blockade

The families forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh will long remember the lack of bread during the months of the blockade. That bread, often moist and bitter, has become a symbol of their struggles, deprivation, courage, and strength.

Unheard Voices: Testimonies from Nagorno-Karabakh Ignored by the World

Anahit Ghazaryan, a resident of the Martakert region in Nagorno- Karabakh, gave birth while being forcibly deported in September 2023. Miraculously, the baby was born healthy, weighing 2.5 kg and measuring 48 cm tall. Anahit recounts that during her journey, both before and after her, several women also gave birth, with all their newborns being underweight. She attributes this not only to the scarcity of food and essential resources during the final weeks of the blockade but also to the fear.

Photos of the week

Captured from his personal archive, this image showcases an impactful performance by artist Misha Badasyan during his inaugural show in Zurich. Using his body and a net filled with bread, Badasyan artistically conveys the hunger and challenges faced by the people of Artsakh during the blockade.

Photo Courtesy of Misha Badasyan.


Armenia Scouts Path Toward EU Accession

Public trust of Armenians toward Russia cratering.

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Armenian Foreign Minister Meets with U.S. Envoy

Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan and US Senior Adviser on Caucasus Negotiation Louis Bono exchanged views on topics on the agenda of the Armenia-US political dialogue, upcoming events, and further development of the bilateral partnership.

EU Open To Membership Bid From Armenia

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UK Prime Minister: There is Historic Opportunity to Put an end to Azerbaijan-Armenia Conflict

“Currently there is a historic opportunity for Azerbaijan to put an end to the decades-long conflict with Armenia,” Sunak noted in his address, and expressed a hope that a peace treaty between the two countries will be signed in November.

Vice President of the National Assembly of Armenia Receives U.S. Senior Advisor for Caucasus Negotiations

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Inside the EU Peace Mission: Monitoring Borders in Armenia | Documentary

Armenia’s National Security Advisor & U.S. Senior Advisor Discuss Armenian-Azerbaijani Relations, Negotiation Process

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Belgium Senate to Host Roundtable Discussion on South Caucasus Situation

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Armenian Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Presented to USAID Manager the Support Needed for Displaced Persons from Nagorno-Karabakh

Erin Meekee emphasized the need to unite efforts in the direction of supporting the displaced persons and stressed that the agency is ready to provide continuous support to the Armenian side in the works aimed at meeting humanitarian needs, implementing democratic reforms, as well as economic development.

Armenia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Takes Leadership Role and Advocates for Sustainable Development Goals at UNECE Regional Forum in Geneva

  • Emphasizes Armenia’s commitment to implementing Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Highlights government efforts in addressing the needs of forcibly displaced Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh.

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The U.S. Can’t Guarantee Armenia’s Security, Despite Azerbaijan’s Threats, but It Can Help
By Joe Haberman and Paul Cormarie

The United States should provide Armenia with the capabilities to defend itself while setting clear expectations about the limits of its commitments.

Armenia’s EU Dream Faces a Big Obstacle: The Russian Army
By Gabriel Gavin

Armenia is in the middle of a major pivot away from the Kremlin and toward the West. Since the start of the war in Ukraine, it has broken off ties with Russia at an unprecedented pace — buying weapons from France and India, hosting military drills with the United States, and sending aid to Kyiv. Now, it’s even hinting it may want to try and join the European Union.

The EU Should Fully Embrace Armenia’s Strong Aspirations for Closer Ties
By Lucian Goleanu

We must convince Baku and Moscow to finally respect democracy
and the Armenian people. Moscow’s desire is to attack a government, which has done the unthinkable in the eyes of Vladimir Putin: democratising the country, reform it, support the International Criminal Court and freeze its participation in the Security Organization dominated by Russia.

Armenians Wonder Who to Trust After Lost Wars
By Ani Chkhikvadze

With Nagorno-Karabakh lost, Armenia is looking for allies beyond Moscow.

Amid Security Concerns, New Poll Indicates Positive Direction With Continued Russian Retreat
By Nerses Kopalyan and Hovhannes Nazaretyan

Not only has Russia joined Turkey and Azerbaijan in its negative approval ratings within Armenian society, but just as interestingly, for the first time, Armenians consider relations with Ukraine to be stronger and more positive than that with Russia.

How Far Can Turkish Lira Fall before Erdogan Starts a War?
By Michael Rubin

Now he [Erdogan] signals plans to occupy Gara Mountain ostensibly to enable a transit corridor from the Persian Gulf through Iraq to Turkey and Europe but also to counter the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). For anyone to validate such reasoning is to greenlight war, not only in Iraqi Kurdistan but also in Armenia where Turks make similar demands for a corridor.