
International Court of Justice to Hold Hearings on Armenia’s Objections Against Azerbaijan in Racial Discrimination Case

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In this month 104 years ago, Azerbaijan, backed by Turkey, sought to continue the Armenian Genocide in Artsakh. The horrific massacres carried out by Azerbaijanis in Shushi, transforming the city into a scene of devastation, was aimed at expelling Armenians from Artsakh and resulted in the deaths of as many as 20,000 Armenians.

The natural progression of such hostile actions led to Azerbaijan’s state-sanctioned policy of hostility towards Armenians since 1988, marked by massacres, violent attacks, and efforts to forcibly remove ethnic Armenians from their land.

​Today, a century later, Azerbaijan’s actions show little change as Shushi remains occupied, iconic cultural sites like Ghazanchetsots Cathedral have been destroyed, and Artsakh remains under occupation.

Azerbaijan’s Ethnic Cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh

Freedom House: Nagorno-Karabakh Rated ‘Not Free’ in 2024 Since Azerbaijan’s Ethnic Cleansing

​Nagorno-Karabakh suffered a staggering loss of 40 points, primarily attributed to the blockade and military offensive imposed by the Azerbaijani regime. As a result, Nagorno-Karabakh, now under Azerbaijani rule, has plummeted to being one of the least free regions globally.

Lemkin Institute Voices Concern Over Potential Retribution Against Armenian Captives by Azerbaijani Regime

  • Condemns the continued and unlawful imprisonment of Armenian
    officials and civilians of the Republic of Artsakh by the Republic of
  • Reflects on the recent passing of Mr. Alexei Navalny and expresses its concerns regarding the possibility that President Aliyev’s regime could pursue a similar course of action with Mr. Vardanyan or any other of the high-ranking officials, given their symbolic and historic significance for Artsakh’s independence cause.
  • Calls on the international community to take necessary steps to secure the prompt and safe repatriation of all Armenian prisoners of war (POWs), officials, and civilians held hostage in Azerbaijan.

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CSI: Armenians’ Right of Return to Nagorno-Karabakh Must be Secured

Christian Solidarity International (CSI), a Christian human rights organization, has underscored the “absolute right” of the Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh to return to their homeland, six months after they were driven out by the armed forces of Azerbaijan.

Read the Full Statement

CoE Commissioner for Human Rights Calls for Human Rights-Centered Approach in Karabakh Conflict After Mass Deportation of 101,000 Ethnic Armenians

Discussion on Armenia and Nagorno- Karabakh at the Belgian Senate: EU Must Reconsider its Relations with Azerbaijan

A roundtable discussion titled “The Geopolitical Developments in the South Caucasus: Focus on Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh took place at the Belgian Senate on March 25.
Senator Demesmaeker emphasized the importance of keeping the events of Nagorno-Karabakh and the situation of Karabakh Armenians on the political agenda, both professionally and personally. He highlighted the right to self-determination as a crucial issue, advocating for democracies to unite around this principle.The Senator stressed that Artsakh Armenians aspire to return to their homeland with dignity, stating that disregarding this desire is unacceptable.

CSI International President Responds Firmly to Azerbaijan’s Accusation

In response to Azerbaijan’s assertion labeling CSI as a pseudo-Christian NGO, Dr. John Eibner, President of CSI International, conveyed, “CSI will abstain from visiting Azerbaijan until such time as the Armenian Christians of Nagorno-Karabakh can securely return to their native land and freely exercise their right to self-determination.CSI will continue to stand in solidarity with the Armenians as they continue to face threats from Turkey and Azerbaijan in their homeland.”

British MP Urges Discussions on Protection of Armenian Christian Heritage Sites in Nagorno-Karabakh

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Driven by Fear from Nagorno-Karabakh

The New Home the Men of Artsakh Built

“I’m young and I’m a man; point to any place on the map and I can build and live there. I don’t have the same limitations as the children, the elderly, the women. Just think how many women are now left without their husbands. My sister’s husband, Gagik Balayan, was from Martuni. He died during the Azerbaijani provocations during the blockade on June 28, 2023. His father had died during the first war. Now, there are no men left in my sister’s family,” explained Simon Ghahramanyan, a refugee from Nagorno-Karabakh

Testimonies from Nagorno-Karabakh that the World Ignored

“The children were hungry for days, and the armed Azerbaijanis were five meters away from us,” says Ashkhen Manasyan about Azerbaijan’s bloody blockade, recounting that her family were forcibly displaced 7 times due to Azerbaijani aggression.

Photos of the week

October 2023
December 2023
March 2024
November 2023
March 2024

This series of before-and-after photos documents the remarkable efforts of men from Artsakh, who, despite forced displacement, have spent nearly four months reconstructing new homes for their families.

Photo Courtesy of Ani Gevorgyan.


French Prime Minister Urges Azerbaijan to Withdraw Troops from Occupied Armenian Positions

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French PM Warns Against Russian ‘Punishment’ Of Armenia

Armenian PM to Meet Blinken, European Commission President in Brussels

A meeting between Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken will take place in Brussels on April 5. The leaders will discuss aspects of trilateral cooperation contributing to the development of Armenia.

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EU Observers Provide Security Briefing to Swedish Ambassador and Deputy Ambassador on Gegharkunik Region

Toivo Klaar:Threats against Armenia in Azerbaijani Media Channels are Unacceptable

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Armenia Gives EU Monitors Diplomatic Immunity

Baroness Cox Urges Swift International Action Amid Sustained Attacks on Armenia

  • Highlights Armenia as the first nation to adopt Christianity and its historical suffering of genocide in the last century.
  • Draws attention to sustained attacks on Armenia by Islamist Azerbaijani forces.

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U.S. Ambassador Kvien Engages with AmCham Armenia Board to Foster Business and Investment Growth

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Armenian Americans Should Demand Qualitative Military Edge
By Michael Rubin

Whether or not the White House brokers a peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan, it will be essential to ensure Armenia’s defense against aggression. Accordingly, it is time Armenian Americans demand a QME for Armenia.

Biden Rewards Azerbaijan’s Aggression with Climate Leadership Role
By Nina Shea

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The Dangerous Ramifications of Recognizing the End of Nagorno-Karabakh
By Sheila Paylan

There are serious problems with recognizing “the end” of Nagorno- Karabakh given the violent and illegitimate means that Azerbaijan
used, especially over the last three years, to achieve it. The present
post will shed light on the danger in accepting the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict as resolved and Republic as dissolved under such circumstances.

The Russian Military Base In Armenia at the Eye of a Geopolitical Storm
By Joshua Kucera

When Russian President Vladimir Putin visited his country’s military base here in 2013, he struck a confident tone. “Russia is never going to leave here,” he said. “On the contrary, we are going to strengthen our positions here.”
These days, though, Russia’s position in Armenia is looking shakier than ever.

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