
Over the past week, Azerbaijani Armed forces have opened fire in the Republic of Armenia more than 5 times, including in Gegarkunik, Syunik, and Tavush provinces. As a result of this indiscriminate fire, the houses, graveyards, and other property of Armenian civilians have been damaged. The most recent incident occurred on April 8, resulting in damage to the roof and windows of a house in a village in the Syunik province.

EU & US Pledge Strong Support for Armenia at Joint Summit

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32nd Anniversary of the Maragha Massacre: a Stark Reminder of Azerbaijani Genocidal Policy

32 years ago, on this day, a brutal pogrom orchestrated by Azerbaijani military forces against unarmed Armenian civilians in Nagorno-Karabakh. After the pogroms in Baku, Sumgait, and Kirovabad, attacks on the civilian Armenian population escalated significantly, compelling the majority of locals to flee their ancestral villages.

On April 10, 1992, the village of Maragha became the scene of unspeakable atrocities as Azerbaijani troops unleashed a campaign of terror, resulting in the deaths of approximately 50 innocent civilians, including women, children, and disabled individuals. Survivors recount harrowing tales of decapitation, rape, and mutilation.

UN Human Rights Council Adopts Resolution on ‘Prevention of Genocide’ Proposed by Armenia

  • Based on the Genocide Convention, calls for the attention of
    the UN member states to the risks of this atrocity and the need
    to prevent it.
  • Emphasizes that impunity is a significant risk factor for genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, stressing that it needs to be addressed through investigation, prosecution and punishment.

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Ruben Vardanyan Nominated For The 2024 Nobel Peace Prize Despite Captivity In Baku

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U.S. Congress

Senators Markey and Cassidy Urge State Department to Help Secure Release of Armenian Political Leaders by Azerbaijan

  • Condemn Azerbaijan’s illegal detention of key political leaders of Nagorno-Karabakh, stating that forcefully removing and detaining ethnic group leaders is a well-known tactic associated with ethnic cleansing.
  • Condemn Azerbaijan’s ethnic cleansing of Nagorno-Karabakh in September 2023.
  • Call for immediate release of Armenian political prisoners and POWs held by Azerbaijan.
  • Strongly condemn serious human rights violations perpetrated by Azerbaijan.
  • Call for sanctions on Azerbaijani officials
  • Urge right of Nagorno-Karabakh’s Armenians to return to their homes, emphasizing the need for international guarantees to ensure their safety and security.

Read the Letter

USAID Administrator Highlights Armenia’s ‘Pivotal Inflection Point’ in Congressional Budget Request Hearings

In Congressional hearings this week on the fiscal year 2025 USAID budget request, members of both the Senate Foreign Relations and House Foreign Affairs committees focused attention on the United States’ support for Armenia amidst ongoing aggression from Azerbaijan. Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) highlighted the harsh consequences of Azerbaijan’s military actions in 2023, while Representatives Brad Sherman (D-CA) and Jim Costa (D-CA) emphasized the importance of a national security package to deliver humanitarian aid to Armenia. Costa also probed USAID’s ongoing and future engagement in the country.

USAID Administrator Samantha Power described Armenia as being at a ‘pivotal inflection point,’ facing significant geopolitical challenges in a ‘very tough neighborhood.’ She detailed the outcomes of last week’s EU/US/Armenia summit, calling it a ‘historic event,’ and highlighted Armenia’s government efforts to reform. Power outlined the sectors USAID’s recent initiative aims to support, including providing permanent housing for displaced individuals from Nagorno- Karabakh and making agricultural investments to ensure food security. She also expressed her hope for closer ties between USAID and the Armenian diaspora.

Pallone Applauds U.S. and E.U. Support for Armenia, Calls for Additional Security and Humanitarian Assistance for Artsakh

  • Praises assistance pledges from the U.S. and EU to Armenia.
  • Expresses gratitude to the Biden Administration and the
    European Union for their significant investments in Armenia.
  • Highlights the ongoing challenges faced by Armenian refugees from Artsakh and calls for internationally guaranteed rights of return for those displaced by Azerbaijan’s genocidal campaign.
  • Emphasizes the urgent need for security assistance to protect Armenia’s territorial integrity against potential Azerbaijani threats.
  • Leads an appropriations letter advocating for $250 million in funding to address the humanitarian crisis and bolster Armenia’s security.


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Azerbaijan’s Ethnic Cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh and Genocidal Policy

Genocide Warnings: Azerbaijan Threatens Invasion of Armenia

Over the past month, there have been over four genocide alerts issued regarding the Republic of Armenia. The latest alert, issued by the Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention, raised a red flag, highlighting that the threat of genocide has now reached the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia itself.

  • Warns of the potential for a new era of genocide with devastating global consequences if decisive action is not taken.
  • Emphasizes that granting impunity to the Azerbaijani government and its enabler, Turkey will only embolden them to continue their aggressive expansionist agenda.
  • Urges Western powers to support Armenia in enhancing its sovereign borders and diplomatic position in the region including.
  • Urges the US to end the waiver on Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act (1992) and hold Azerbaijan accountable for its actions.

Lemkin Institute Statement

Genocide Watch Statement

“A Voice for People whose Voices are not Heard”: Baroness Cox’s Lifelong Mission for Nagorno-Karabakh

​”We have reports that Azerbaijan has been destroying some of the holy places, some of the churches I think it damaged it or destroyed it… I think the stone crosses are being taken down… And there is a concern of attacks on the cultural heritage of that historic Armenian land,” Baroness Caroline Cox says.

CFTJ Releases Catalogue Documenting Azerbaijan’s Violations of UN Court Orders and Ongoing Human Rights Violations

CFTJ has meticulously compiled a catalogue of digital evidence showcasing Azerbaijan’s persistent violations of International Court of Justice orders since January 2022. The evidence encompasses a spectrum of transgressions, including summary executions, imposed humanitarian crises, blockades, genocide, and ethnic cleansing targeting the ethnic Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Elderly Armenian Man Harassed by Azerbaijanis in Occupied Stepanakert

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Europeans for Artsakh Urges EU to Support Collective Living Rights of Armenians in Artsakh

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Driven by Fear from Nagorno-Karabakh

The Passion of Artsakh: Story Visualized

“On the last day,” Raisa, a refugee from Nagorno-Karabakh, said, “I told the kids, ‘You can do anything you want in the house. So they started pillow fighting with abandon. And they pushed their bicycles down a hill because they didn’t want the Azerbaijanis to get their hands on them. So the kids would make a mess.” But her mother, Angela, couldn’t abide leaving a messy house, “so the kids would make a mess, but still Mother would run after them and clean up.”

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Witness Testimonies: Remembering the Maragha Massacre on its Anniversary

Rima, a 75-year-old ethnic Armenian from Maragha village of Nagorno-Karabakh, recounts her harrowing experience fleeing the village during the Azerbaijani pogroms in 1992. Rima also describes the horrific scene of Armenian corpses piled together in a large shell box, including the body of her husband’s brother’s wife. “I saw 15-20 corpses there,” she recounts, her heart heavy with grief. Additionally, she recalls the gruesome murder of her husband’s friend, who fell victim to Azerbaijani perpetrators that gouged out his eyes.

(The testimonial evidence is provided by the Center for Truth and Justice for Global ARM.)

Photos of the week

Cellist Astrig Siranossian in front of the Armenian monastery of Tatev, a few kilometers from the border with Azerbaijan.
Photo Courtesy of Antoine Agoudjian.
EUMA documents damages to civilian infrastructure in Armenian border villages resulting from indiscriminate shooting by Azerbaijan.
Photo Courtesy of Instagram.
The house, sheltering refugees from Nagorno- Karabakh, was damaged by Azerbaijani gunfire in Armenia.
Photo Courtesy of Instagram.
The gravesite of a fallen Armenian soldier damaged due to Azerbaijani gunfire in Armenia.
Photo Courtesy of Instagram.


U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense Cites Russia’s Destructive Role in the South Caucasus

Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, Dr. Celeste Wallander, noted Russia’s negative influence during an Apil 10 hearing before the House Armed Services Committee on the United States’ military posture and the national security challenges in Europe.

During her testimony, Wallander said: “Moscow continues its occupation of 20 percent of Georgia’s territory and maintains an unwelcome military presence in both Armenia and Azerbaijan.”

Armenia Strengthens Collaboration with Europol to Combat Transnational Crime

EU Parliament Members Urge Commission President and US Secretary of State to Safeguard Armenia’s Security

A coalition of 24 Members of the European Parliament has jointly appealed to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, emphasizing the critical importance of safeguarding Armenia’s security.

“At a time when the European Union and the United States are strengthening their support for Yerevan, we are 24 MEPs asking Ursula Von Der Leyen and Antony Blinken to ensure Armenia’s security,” Member of European Parliament Nathalie Loiseau wrote on her X account.

France has a Military Drone Radar Everyone’s Desperate to Get

In the past months, Paris sold three GM 200s to Armenia.

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Armenia FM to not Participate in CIS FMs’ Council Session

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Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem Issues Urgent Communique on Illegal Eviction by Israeli Police and Settlers from Cows Garden

The Armenian Patriarchate pledges to resist and urges international focus on encroachments affecting the Armenian Christian community following the April 3 illegal eviction by Israeli Police at Cow’s Garden within the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem’s premises.

Read the Communique

Read The Lemkin Institute Statement

CoE Secretary General Makes Official Visit to Armenia,
Highlights Cooperation with Armenia

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EU Monitoring Mission Refutes Azerbaijan’s Claims of Armenian Troop Buildup on Border


E.U. and U.S. Pledge Fresh Financial Support for Armenia

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced increased economic support for Armenia to $65 million, while EU chief Ursula von der Leyen announced a €270 million ($290 million) financial grant package for Armenia over the next four years.

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Press Briefing: O’Brien Highlights Armenia’s Path to Prosperity and EU Integration

Power Holds Key Talks with Armenia and EU Leaders in Brussels, Announces New USAID Commitments

USAID administrator reaffirmed the U.S. unwavering support for Armenia’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, democracy, and ongoing commitment to assisting displaced persons and refugees in Armenia.

O’Brien: U.S. Considering Nuclear Energy Cooperation with Armenia

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The West must Ostracize not Reward Hostage Takers
By Michael Rubin

The White House and State Department, for example, pressured Armenia to drop its bid to host next year’s COP29 environment conference in favor of Azerbaijan as part of a deal to get Azerbaijan to release some Armenian hostages. Biden thereby not only allowed his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev to escape accountability for seizing hostages, but he also gifted him a reward worth hundreds of millions of dollars and the prestige of the international spotlight.

How Joe Biden Lost the Armenian American Vote
By Stephan Pechdimaldji

Days after recognizing the Armenian Genocide, he waived Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act that bans foreign aid to Azerbaijan, which was a harbinger of things to come. With a stroke of his pen, Biden essentially recognized a genocide, only to allow another one to continue.

The Hypocrisy of “Caviar Diplomacy”: How Azerbaijan still Manages to Avoid European Sanctions
By Rasmus Canbäck

For years, Azerbaijan has courted Western journalists, researchers, academics, and parliamentarians by offering them invitations to participate in reporting trips and conferences, a practice known as “caviar diplomacy.” Baku’s strategy appears to be paying off.

Does Diplomacy Work with Rogues? Here are Two Ways to Tell
By Michael Rubin

Azerbaijan provides a ridiculous example. On July 29, 2023, Azerbaijani
security forces arrested 68-year-old Vagif Khachatryan at an illegal
checkpoint as he traveled to Armenia for heart surgery. Charged with crimes allegedly committed in Nagorno-Karabakh..he told the court that he was sorry but he was not in the region when the alleged crimes were committed. The court-appointed translator rendered that, “he was sorry he committed the crimes.” He now serves a 15-year sentence while his heart deteriorates. Such actions reflect not a reformed government, but a Stalinist one.

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Armenia Under Siege
By Nuri Kino

Baku’s strategy is paying off. Just months after ethnically cleansing Nagorno-Karabakh, which Armenians call Artsakh, when the Azeri government forced 100,000 Armenians to flee from what was their homeland for a millennia, Azerbaijan has recently attacked several parts of its border with Armenia. Yet, the world remains silent.