Breaking - Armenian Genocide Remembrance

Global ARM honors the memory of the 1.5 million Armenians who were murdered by the Ottoman Turkish Government during World War I. The sole purpose of this state-planned policy was to destroy the Armenian people.

After decades of shameful silence, in 2021 President Biden finally put the United States on the right side of history by formally recognizing the Armenian Genocide.

This unpunished crime against humanity has propelled yet another genocide committed by Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh, known as Artsakh, and in sovereign Armenia.

It should not take another one hundred years for the U.S. to tell the truth about the genocide in Nagorno-Karabakh and against ethnic Armenians. The U.S. knows what happened. At this very moment, Azerbaijan’s military occupies approximately 200 square kilometers of Armenian sovereign territory.

Just listen to the words of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, who in 2023 said:

“They [ethnic Armenians] should not forget where the flag of Azerbaijan flies today. The Azerbaijani flag flew in Karabakh today. The Azerbaijani flag flies in the Zangezur mountains [Armenian sovereign territory). Let them not forget that. Can they come close to those flags? Can that human-like creature [ethnic Armenians] and his likes approach those flags? They are afraid even to look at those flags from afar. (…) But they should think carefully. One day they may wake up to see the Azerbaijan flag above their heads.”

“There must be accountability and justice for Azerbaijan’s pattern of hate, war crimes, occupation and genocide against ethnic Armenians,” said Timothy Jemal, President, Global ARM. “The only way to move forward with a lasting, durable peace in the South Caucasus is to fully address and hold Azerbaijan accountable for genocide and relentless aggression against ethnic Armenians.”

Center for Truth and Justice Urges International Criminal Court to Probe Genocide Allegations

The Center for Truth and Justice (CFTJ) submitted evidence to the International Criminal Court, arguing that Azerbaijan is committing an ongoing genocide against ethnic Armenians.

  • Confirms genocide of Armenians in Armenian territory under Azerbaijan’s unlawful occupation.
  • Genocidal intent evidenced by statements from President Aliyev and other high-ranking officials.
  • Parliament’s declaration aimed at removing the entire Armenian population, labeling it “Western Azerbaijan”.
  • Armenian women were subjected to sexual mutilation, killing, and filming for social media, causing terror, and mental harm, another form of genocide.

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France Recalls its Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Accuses Baku of ‘Damaging’ Ties

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U.S. Congress

US Rep. Dina Titus Plans to Introduce Sanctions Bill Against Azerbaijan

Rep. Anna Eshoo Calls for Action on Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day

“As the only Member of Congress of Armenian-Assyrian descent, I rose today to commemorate Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day, which will be observed next week by the Armenian community in the United States and around the world(..)We must not wait another century to hold Azerbaijan accountable for the crimes it has committed against the Armenian people,” says Rep. Anna Eshoo.

Congressman Brad Sherman: US Aid to Armenians Displaced from Karabakh Should be Increased

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Adam Schiff: Concrete Consequences Must follow the Recognition and Condemnation of the Armenian Genocide by the US

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Congresswoman Judy Chu: Azerbaijan has been Ethnically Cleansing 120,000 Armenians from the Nagorno-Karabakh

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White House Applauds Senate Passage of Bipartisan National Security Supplemental

The measure included security funding for Ukraine, Israel, and allies in the Indo-Pacific, as well as humanitarian relief to ease the suffering of innocent civilians in Gaza, Haiti, Armenia, and elsewhere.

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U.S. Senate

U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D.: Today we commemorate the Armenian genocide. Coming as it does after the genocide of the Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh, we must reinforce our efforts.
Never Again needs to mean something. It can’t be just empty words.

US Ambassador, Senate Representative Visit Armenian Genocide Memorial

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Capitol Hill Briefings

Global ARM Capitol Briefings: Peace in the South Caucasus and Armenia’s Strategic Shift on May 7 and 8, 2024

The event, titled ‘Peace in the South Caucasus and Armenia’s Strategic Shift,’ will feature distinguished panelists including Thomas Becker, Legal and Policy Director of the University Network for Human Rights; Areg Danagoulian, MIT; and Nerses Kopalyan, UNLV. Global ARM President Tim Jemal will serve as the moderator. Additionally, Talin Hitik, Senior Legal Advisor for the Center for Truth and Justice, will provide a special update on thee ICJ, ECHR, and Potential ICC Investigation of Azerbaijan for Genocide.

May 7 House of Reps. Briefing

May 8 U.S. Senate Briefing

US Regional News

109-year-old Armenian Genocide Survivor Honored at Massachusetts State House

Thundering applause filled the House of Representatives chamber at the Massachusetts State House Friday morning, as lawmakers and visitors rose to their feet to honor Mary Vartanian, a 109-year-old survivor of the Armenian Genocide.

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UCLA Recognizes Armenian Genocide with Week of Public Events

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SR 83: Acknowledging the Tragedy of the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923

“We must continue to support the Armenian community to ensure future generations learn from this genocide and prevent the atrocity like this forever happening again.”

Azerbaijan’s Ethnic Cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh and Genocidal Policy

Inside CFTJ’s Demand for Azerbaijani Officials to be Investigated for Genocide in ICC

UN Court: Prof. Sean Murphy Questions Azerbaijani Actions in Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

Sean Murphy, the representative of the Armenian delegation at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), stated during the hearing of the “Armenia vs. Azerbaijan” case at the UN Court that if Azerbaijan posed no threat to the Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh, why had more than 100,000 people left their ancestral homes in September 2023.

“That’s why they left their homes. The reason lies in this threat and the perception it creates, which has been developed by the Azerbaijani government for decades,” Murphy concluded.

Freedom House: Azerbaijan has Enjoyed Relative Impunity for its Violent conquest of Nagorno-Karabakh

“The world’s democracies must show there are consequences for such atrocities, lest they empower Eurasia’s emerging autocratic order,” the Freedom House statement reads.

Christian Alliance League Raises Alarm Over Ethnic Cleansing of Christians in Artsakh

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Swedish MP: Ethnic Cleansing of Artsakh Reminds the World how Destructive Pan-Turkic Ideology Can Be

On the occasion of the 109th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the Swedish-Armenian Friendship Group in the Swedish Parliament will arrange a ceremony with the Armenian Ambassador to Stockholm and other guests, Member of the Swedish Parliament, Erik Hellsborn said.
“Here in the Swedish Parliament, the Swedish-Armenian Friendship Group will arrange a ceremony with the Armenian Ambassador to Stockholm and other guests. Sadly, this year’s Remembrance Day feels more relevant than it has been in several years,’’said Hellsborn.

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Caucasus Heritage Watch: Historic St. John the Baptist Church Destroyed in Shushi, Nagorno-Karabakh, Flouts ICJ Order

Several reports showing visual evidence of the damage or complete
demolition of cultural and religious sites in Nagorno-Karabakh
emerged in the past week. Among the destructed areas are the
cemetery of Shushi near the Ghazantschetsots church, the Kanach Zham church also in Shushi and, more shockingly, the entire village of Karintak.

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Armenian Legal Center to Submit Cases Against 40 Senior Azerbaijani Officials for War Crimes and Human Rights Abuses

The International and Comparative Law Center of Armenia, under the auspices of the Armenian Legal Center for Justice and Human Rights, is submitting seven cases under the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act against over 40 senior Azerbaijani officials for war crimes and human rights abuses.

ICJ Concludes Public Hearings in Armenia v. Azerbaijan Case on ICERD Application

Armenia says Azerbaijan distorts factual evidence, requests World Court to pursue ethnic cleansing case against Baku.

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Driven by Fear from Nagorno-Karabakh

‘A Complete Lack of Transparency’: Son of Former Nagorno-Karabakh Leader on his Father’s Detention

Christiane Amanpour speaks with David Vardanyan, son of Ruben Vardanyan, the former leader of the breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh government who is currently being imprisoned by Azerbaijan. “My father… has been on hunger strike since April 5 to demand the release of all Armenian prisoners,” David Vardanyan told, adding he was “very worried” about his health.

Testimonies from Artsakh that the World Ignored

“The Azerbaijanis beat my son so badly that they thought he died: they threw him near the victims’ bodies.”

© For Rights

Photos of the week

Outside the International Criminal Court in The Hague, a crowd protests, led by an international Armenian women’s association. They hold photos of tortured Armenian women, backing the Center for Truth and Justice’s appeal to the ICC. Their demand: recognition and accountability. Among them stands Lala Abgaryan, sister of a mutilated female soldier.

Photo Courtesy of Civil Net.

US Ambassador and Senate representative pay tribute to Armenian Genocide victims in Yerevan.

Photo Courtesy Armen Press and the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia.


Armenia Signals Distancing from Russia: Security Council Secretary to Skip St. Petersburg Security Forum

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U.S. Delegation Strengthens Law Enforcement Cooperation with Armenia

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Putin to Hold Talks with Azerbaijan’s Aliyev as Russian Troops Quit Karabakh

UK Deputy Defence Attaché, EU Observers Visit Armenia’s Khachik Community

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Russia Announces Total Withdrawal of Troops from Nagorno-Karabakh

Russia will pull out all of its nearly 2,000 troops from Azerbaijan’s Karabakh region, the Kremlin said in a surprise announcement just six months after they watched a forced mass exodus of the territory’s Armenian population.

EU ‘Takes Note’ Of Withdrawal Of Russian Troops From Karabakh

Brussels “takes note” of the announced withdrawal of Russian troops from Nagorno-Karabakh, a European Union official has said.

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Defense Minister Papikyan Discusses Armenia-France Cooperation with French Delegation

U.S. Embassy Celebrates Completion of Kindergarten Renovation Project in Gyumri, Armenia

The Defense Attaché at the U.S. Embassy in Armenia, along with representatives from the Office of Defense Cooperation, traveled to Gyumri to celebrate the completion of the Gyumri “Ararat” kindergarten renovation project.

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Armenian FM, Toivo Klaar Discuss Latest Developments in Armenia-Azerbaijan Relations Normalization

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As Uncertainty Still Looms Over Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia’s Wine Industry Hangs in the Balance

Wines from Nagorno-Karabakh have long been renowned for their exceptional quality, often regarded as some of the finest in Armenia. The volume of production was also substantial. Before Azerbaijan took over the region, Artsakh made four million liters of wine annually, accounting for 31% of mainland Armenia’s total production of 13 million liters per year.

Ambassador Lilit Makunts Engages with Participants of the Rumsfeld Fellowship Program


Why Is the Biden Administration Whitewashing Azerbaijan’s Crimes?
By Michael Rubin

The year 2023 marked perhaps the worst year for Armenians
since the Genocide of more than a century ago. Azerbaijanis
backed by Turkish Special Forces and utilizing Israeli drones
attacked Nagorno-Karabakh and successfully drove out its
indigenous Armenian Christian population. For Azerbaijani dictator Ilham Aliyev, the eradication of Christianity and the expulsion of ethnic Armenians fulfilled a lifelong ambition.

Why Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day is Different this Year
By Stephan Pechdimaldji

April 24 will mark the 109th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide when more than 1.5 million Armenians were systematically exterminated by the Ottoman Turks, an event that Turkey denies to this day. For the more than 400,000 Armenian Americans like me, it is also a stark reminder that history is repeating itself. We saw that history rear its ugly head in fall 2020 when Azerbaijan launched an illegal and unprovoked war against ethnic Armenians living in their ancestral homeland of Nagorno-Karabakh, which was followed by a nearly 10-month blockade of the only road linking Armenians living in the region to the outside world.

Connecticut and the Dark Clouds Over the Southern Caucasus
By Harry Mazadoorian

The time to have significant American and international support is now, not after the situation becomes even more engulfed in conflict and war. We must heed the dark clouds. Now.

Armenia and Azerbaijan Battle it out in the International Legal Arena
By Ani Avetisyan

Armenia and Azerbaijan are engaged in a convoluted peace process in the Caucasus. But they are still tangled in a bitter fight in The Hague.

Forget About Turkey’s Angry Reaction—International Norms of Armenian Genocide Recognition Clash With Nationalistic Memory
By Eldad Ben Aharon

Forget about Turkey’s angry reaction. Despite Ankara’s warning of a potential “wound” to relations after the U.S.
Congress recognized the Armenian genocide in late 2019, trade with Turkey spiked to a record $21 billion in 2020. Business returned to usual after Turkey summoned the U.S. ambassador over the recognition of the Armenian genocide in 2019.

One Winner Of The Ukraine War Is Azerbaijan
By Joshua Kucera

When the presidents of Azerbaijan and Russia met on April 22 at the Kremlin, it wasn’t Nagorno-Karabakh, Ukraine, or Iran that took center stage. It was the 50th anniversary of a Soviet railroad construction project.

Refusing to call Cyprus Occupied isn’t Sophisticated. It’s Stupid
By Michael Rubin

Consider recognition of the Armenian genocide. For decades, American officials promised to recognize the genocide only to renege on their pledge for fear of Turkish backlash. To his credit, President Joe Biden kept his word. Turkey’s response? Crickets.
When Biden called Erdogan’s bluff, he exposed the Turkish leader as a paper tiger. To label Turkey’s presence in Cyprus as occupation would be no different. Recognizing reality always strengthens foreign policy.