
Third Guilty Plea Secured in Bribery Case Involving U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar and Azerbaijani Energy Company

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Azerbaijan’s Cultural Genocide: Recent Satellite Imagery Confirms Destruction of Holy Ascension Church in Berdzor by Azerbaijani Authorities

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Azerbaijan’s Ethnic Cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh and Genocidal Policy

The UN Committee against Torture (CAT) issued its findings on Azerbaijan.

  • Deeply concerned by reports of severe and grave violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law committed by Azerbaijani military forces against prisoners of war and other protected persons of Armenian ethnic or national origin, including extrajudicial killings, torture and other ill-treatment, and the recording and dissemination of videos that appear to depict horrifying acts involving beheadings of live individuals, desecration and mutilation of corpses, and acknowledgment on-camera by the perpetrators of responsibility for such abuses in a manner that strongly suggests they did not fear being held accountable.

  • ​Underscores the need for independent, impartial, transparent, and effective investigations.
  • Expresses its deep concern regarding Azerbaijan’s conduct of what it describes as “anti- terrorism” operations, including its concern regarding the continued detention of what it describes as 23 individuals in connection with terrorism and related offenses.

U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom Highlights Azerbaijan as Top Violator

It has become clear that Azerbaijan seeks to erase Armenian presence and history from the region. By identifying Azerbaijan as a Country of Particular Concern, USCIRF’s annual report on international religious freedom amplifies the voices of persecuted Armenians whose persecution has not received the same international attention as other victims of human rights abuses. Moreover, the Commission’s recommendation provides the United States government an opportunity to lead in its unwavering commitment to advance religious freedom.

The plight of Armenian Christians must be a priority for the United States. In championing the cause of religious liberty in the Caucasus, the United States sets a powerful example for nations around the globe to lead with values.

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First Expert Opinion on Azerbaijani State Policy of Armenophobia in Schools: UC Irvine Prof. Elizabeth Cauffman Concludes Educational Materials Foster Hostility Against Armenians

In her expert opinion, Professor Elizabeth Cauffman concluded that the educational materials used in Azerbaijani schools foster intergroup biases, leading to hostility and aggression against Armenians. “The materials I reviewed mirror the conditions of research studies that may encourage such biases,” she stated.

For instance, statements in these materials impose an “us versus them” narrative, fostering protective instincts for the in-group (Azerbaijanis) at the expense of the out-group (Armenians). This narrative may lead students educated with such materials to become more protective of those who share their identity. One example from a Grade 9 history textbook reads, “The Armenians skillfully used the Azerbaijanis’ trustfulness, ingenuousness, and kind-heartedness” (History, Grade 9, p. 132).

Fresh Footage of Azerbaijani Invasion in Martakert: Destruction, Looting, and Vandalism Continue Ethnic Cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh

Ian Bremmer Highlights Ethnic Cleansing of Armenians in Artsakh and Imprisonment of Ruben Vardanyan at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs Commencement

“In Armenia, where some of my family are from, 100,000 people were ethnically cleansed just a few months ago in Nagorno-Karabakh. A friend of mine, who left a comfortable life to serve its people there, has been falsely imprisoned on charges of terrorism,” Bremmer stated.

CSI President Expresses Solidarity with Armenian Protest Leader in Letter to Archbishop Galstanyan, Highlighting Azerbaijan’s Ethnic Cleansing

CSI’s international president, Dr. John Eibner, has written a letter of support to Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan, the leader of Armenia’s “Tavush for the Homeland” protest movement, as tens of thousands of Armenians have gathered to demonstrate against their government’s concessions to Azerbaijan.

“Over the centuries, the Armenian Apostolic Church has stood in solidarity with its suffering people throughout many trials and tribulations and continues to do so today. Please be assured that many Christians of different traditions throughout the world stand in solidarity with you in your non-violent efforts to ensure that the views and sentiments of those most threatened by the continuing Genocide process are heard by those in power. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with the First Christian Nation at this time of crisis,” the letter reads.

Driven by Fear from Nagorno-Karabakh

We asked the Russian Peacekeepers to Help Save the Children, but they Laughed in our Faces, says Mother of Dead Artsakh Children in Interview

In an interview with ‘Factor TV,’ a mother of the deceased Artsakh children recounted the Azerbaijani unlawful military aggression in September 2023.

“We covered the children in the gorge, but the Azerbaijani Armed Forces began shelling it. Children died and were injured. We attempted to evacuate the children using a UAZ, but it was fired upon. We managed to transport some in a Niva to the Russian ‘peacekeepers’ post, pleading for assistance and ambulances for the wounded, and help to evacuate the remaining children. Instead, they laughed in our faces.”

Armenian Refugees’ Return to Occupied Karabakh: OSCE Chairman-in-Office is Met with Demand Outside Armenia MFA

The participants of this demonstration are holding a banner in their reads: “We demand the return of Artsakh citizens to their homeland.”

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Photos of the week

Laura, a 67-year-old Nagorno-Karabakh refugee, now in Goris after losing her Artsakh home, tenderly engages in sewing at the “Winnet Goris” women’s resource center, her serene focus reflecting resilience and hope.

Photo Courtesy of the EU in Armenia.

Tens of thousands of Armenians rallied in central Yerevan, responding to calls from an Armenian archbishop for Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian and his government to resign over land concessions to Azerbaijan.

Photo Courtesy of Photolur.


The EU’s Gas Love-in with Azerbaijan is a Gift for the Russian Oil Giant Lukoil

Buying Russian gas funds the Kremlin’s war in Ukraine directly – but buying Azeri gas from Lukoil strengthens one of Russia’s largest fossil fuel giants and lines the pockets of the Azeri dictatorship, which stands accused of ethnic cleansing. The more gas the EU buys, the more these threats to global peace and security will proliferate. We need urgent action to phase gas out in the EU by 2035.

EUMA Hosts Delegation Led by Ms. Sheireen Dunlap from U.S. Department of Defense

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France Urges Armenia and Azerbaijan to Proceed with Border Demarcation Based on Agreed Principles

  • Welcomes the holding of a new round of negotiations between the foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan.
  • Underlines the importance of reaffirming the parties’ commitment to the 1991 Almaty Declaration and mutual recognition of each other’s territorial integrity as a basis for this process and as a follow-up to the quadrilateral meeting held in Prague on 7 October 2022.
  • Notes that France will continue to work with its partners in the interest of establishing a just and stable peace in the South Caucasus in accordance with international law.

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Politico: France Accuses Azerbaijan and Russia of Fomenting Deadly Riots in New Caledonia

State of emergency declared in the Pacific Ocean archipelago after four people were killed in worsening violence.

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Armenian Parliament Speaker Receives OSCE Chair-in-Office

Through his visit, Chair-in-Office Borg reaffirmed the OSCE’s commitment to continued engagement with Armenia, emphasizing enhanced co-operation in key areas such as security sector reform and climate change resilience.

Armenia Refuses to Finance Russian-Led CSTO Security Alliance

Armenia will not partake in the financing of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

France and Armenia’s Civil Aviation Committee Sign Technical Cooperation Agreement

France signed an agreement on technical cooperation with the Civil Aviation Committee of Armenia. Ambassador of France to Armenia, Olivier Decottignies, informed. As part of the agreement, the French side will support the civil aviation sector of Armenia in the context of the adoption of European standards.

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European Commission’s Executive Vice President to Take in the EBRD’s Annual Meeting in Armenia

Executive Vice-President and Commissioner for Trade Valdis Dombrovskis will represent the European Union at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) 2024 Annual Meeting & Business Forum in Yerevan, Armenia.

EBRD Funds Customs and logistics Centre in Syunik, Armenia

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is lending €10 million to Armenia to finance the construction of a customs and logistics centre in the Syunik region. The Bank will also provide a €2 million investment grant via its Shareholder Special Fund to co-finance the project.

  • EBRD financing to boost the efficiency of customs procedures in Syunik, Armenia.
  • New customs point to significantly reduce processing times.
  • The project will also help integrate refugees into the Armenian labour market.

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Will the Turkey-Israel Split Doom Azerbaijan-Israel Relations?
By Michael Rubin

There is no time to waste. Israel must calibrate its economic policy toward the future and reality rather than wishful thinking and the past. The Israel- Azerbaijan relationship is on deathwatch even if neither Jerusalem nor Baku will admit it. Erdogan is ready to pull the plug.

Ethnic Cleansing, Genocide or Displacement?
By Sossi Tatikyan

The international community should not shy away from calling the de-Armenization of Nagorno-Karabakh as ethnic cleansing and should underscore the forced nature of the displacement of Armenians from the territory. The failure to prevent it in Nagorno-Karabakh has already undermined the global governance system, the decisions made by the ICJ and the role of the UN Security Council by not enforcing them.

Armenian Heritage Threatened by Jerusalem Hotel Plan
By Hadani Ditmars

While the world’s attention is concentrated on Gaza, an at times violent battle for the historic Armenian quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City has been playing out on the streets over several months.

Family of Ilham Aliyev’s Security Chief Owns Vast Property Holdings in the United Kingdom
By Kelly Bloss, Olga Loginova, Fatima Karimova, Aidan Iusubova, and Nana Bregadze

As head of security for Azerbaijan’s president, Baylar Eyyubov is closely trusted by one of the world’s most authoritarian leaders. Reporters found that his family owns three posh mansions all on one street in north London — and much more.

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Bishkek Protocol that Established 1994 Karabakh Cease Fire is Now Part of History, but What Next?
By James Krikorian

This month marks the 30th Anniversary of the 1994 ceasefire agreement that put the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the then-disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh on hold.